Source code for ClearMap.ImageProcessing.SpotDetection

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Functions to detect spots in images

The main routine :func:`detectCells` uses a difference of gaussian filter (see 
:mod:`~ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Filter`) followed by a peak detection step.


    >>> import os
    >>> import ClearMap.IO as io  
    >>> import ClearMap.Settings as settings
    >>> import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.SpotDetection as sd
    >>> fn = os.path.join(settings.ClearMapPath, 'Test/Data/Synthetic/test_iDISCO_\d{3}.tif');
    >>> img = io.readData(fn);
    >>> img = img.astype('int16'); # converting data to smaller integer types can be more memory efficient!
    >>> res = sd.detectSpots(img, dogSize = (5,5,5), flatfield = None, threshold = 5, cellShapeThreshold = 1);
    >>> print 'Found %d cells !' % res[0].shape[0]
    Illumination: flatfield          : None
    Illumination: illuminationScaling: True
    Illumination: background         : None
    Background: backgroundSize: (15, 15)
    Background: elapsed time: 0:00:00
    DoG: dogSize: (5, 5, 5)
    DoG: elapsed time: 0:00:00
    Extended Max: threshold   : 5
    Extended Max: localMaxSize: 5
    Extended Max: hMax        : None
    Extended Max: elapsed time: 0:00:00
    Cell Centers: elapsed time: 0:00:00
    Cell Shape: cellShapeThreshold: 1
    Cell Shape:: elapsed time: 0:00:00
    Cell Size:: elapsed time: 0:00:00
    Cell Intensity: cellIntensityMethod: Max
    Cell Intensity:: elapsed time: 0:00:00
    Cell Intensity: cellIntensityMethod: Max
    Cell Intensity:: elapsed time: 0:00:00
    Cell Intensity: cellIntensityMethod: Max
    Cell Intensity:: elapsed time: 0:00:00
    Found 38 cells !
After execution this example inspect the result of the cell detection in 
the folder 'Test/Data/CellShape/cellshape\_\\d{3}.tif'.
#:copyright: Copyright 2015 by Christoph Kirst, The Rockefeller University, New York City
#:license: GNU, see LICENSE.txt for details.

import sys
import numpy

from ClearMap.ImageProcessing.IlluminationCorrection import correctIllumination
from ClearMap.ImageProcessing.BackgroundRemoval import removeBackground
from ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Filter.DoGFilter import filterDoG
from ClearMap.ImageProcessing.MaximaDetection import findExtendedMaxima, findPixelCoordinates, findIntensity, findCenterOfMaxima
from ClearMap.ImageProcessing.CellSizeDetection import detectCellShape, findCellSize, findCellIntensity

from ClearMap.Utils.Timer import Timer
from ClearMap.Utils.ParameterTools import getParameter

# Spot detection

[docs]def detectSpots(img, detectSpotsParameter = None, correctIlluminationParameter = None, removeBackgroundParameter = None, filterDoGParameter = None, findExtendedMaximaParameter = None, detectCellShapeParameter = None, verbose = False, out = sys.stdout, **parameter): """Detect Cells in 3d grayscale image using DoG filtering and maxima detection Effectively this function performs the following steps: * illumination correction via :func:`~ClearMap.ImageProcessing.IlluminationCorrection.correctIllumination` * background removal via :func:`~ClearMap.ImageProcessing.BackgroundRemoval.removeBackground` * difference of Gaussians (DoG) filter via :func:`~ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Filter.filterDoG` * maxima detection via :func:`~ClearMap.ImageProcessing.MaximaDetection.findExtendedMaxima` * cell shape detection via :func:`~ClearMap.ImageProcessing.CellSizeDetection.detectCellShape` * cell intensity and size measurements via: :func:`~ClearMap.ImageProcessing.CellSizeDetection.findCellIntensity`, :func:`~ClearMap.ImageProcessing.CellSizeDetection.findCellSize`. detectCells Note: Processing steps are done in place to save memory. Arguments: img (array): image data detectSpotParameter: image processing parameter as described in the individual sub-routines verbose (bool): print progress information out (object): object to print progress information to Returns: tuple: tuple of arrays (cell coordinates, raw intensity, fully filtered intensty, illumination and background corrected intensity [, cell size]) """ timer = Timer(); # normalize data -> to check #img = img.astype('float'); #dmax = 0.075 * 65535; #ids = img > dmax; #img[ids] = dmax; #img /= dmax; #out.write(timer.elapsedTime(head = 'Normalization')); #img = dataset[600:1000,1600:1800,800:830]; #img = dataset[600:1000,:,800:830]; # correct illumination correctIlluminationParameter = getParameter(detectSpotsParameter, "correctIlluminationParameter", correctIlluminationParameter); img1 = img.copy(); img1 = correctIllumination(img1, correctIlluminationParameter = correctIlluminationParameter, verbose = verbose, out = out, **parameter) # background subtraction in each slice #img2 = img.copy(); removeBackgroundParameter = getParameter(detectSpotsParameter, "removeBackgroundParameter", removeBackgroundParameter); img2 = removeBackground(img1, removeBackgroundParameter = removeBackgroundParameter, verbose = verbose, out = out, **parameter) # mask #timer.reset(); #if mask == None: #explicit mask # mask = img > 0.01; # mask = binary_opening(mask, self.structureELement('Disk', (3,3,3))); #img[img < 0.01] = 0; # masking in place # extended maxima #out.write(timer.elapsedTime(head = 'Mask')); #DoG filter filterDoGParameter = getParameter(detectSpotsParameter, "filterDoGParameter", filterDoGParameter); dogSize = getParameter(filterDoGParameter, "size", None); #img3 = img2.copy(); img3 = filterDoG(img2, filterDoGParameter = filterDoGParameter, verbose = verbose, out = out, **parameter); # normalize # imax = img.max(); # if imax == 0: # imax = 1; # img /= imax; # extended maxima findExtendedMaximaParameter = getParameter(detectSpotsParameter, "findExtendedMaximaParameter", findExtendedMaximaParameter); hMax = getParameter(findExtendedMaximaParameter, "hMax", None); imgmax = findExtendedMaxima(img3, findExtendedMaximaParameter = findExtendedMaximaParameter, verbose = verbose, out = out, **parameter); #center of maxima if not hMax is None: centers = findCenterOfMaxima(img, imgmax, verbose = verbose, out = out, **parameter); else: centers = findPixelCoordinates(imgmax, verbose = verbose, out = out, **parameter); #cell size detection detectCellShapeParameter = getParameter(detectSpotsParameter, "detectCellShapeParameter", detectCellShapeParameter); cellShapeThreshold = getParameter(detectCellShapeParameter, "threshold", None); if not cellShapeThreshold is None: # cell shape via watershed imgshape = detectCellShape(img2, centers, detectCellShapeParameter = detectCellShapeParameter, verbose = verbose, out = out, **parameter); #size of cells csize = findCellSize(imgshape, maxLabel = centers.shape[0], out = out, **parameter); #intensity of cells cintensity = findCellIntensity(img, imgshape, maxLabel = centers.shape[0], verbose = verbose, out = out, **parameter); #intensity of cells in background image cintensity2 = findCellIntensity(img2, imgshape, maxLabel = centers.shape[0], verbose = verbose, out = out, **parameter); #intensity of cells in dog filtered image if dogSize is None: cintensity3 = cintensity2; else: cintensity3 = findCellIntensity(img3, imgshape, maxLabel = centers.shape[0], verbose = verbose, out = out, **parameter); if verbose: out.write(timer.elapsedTime(head = 'Spot Detection') + '\n'); #remove cell;s of size 0 idz = csize > 0; return ( centers[idz], numpy.vstack((cintensity[idz], cintensity3[idz], cintensity2[idz], csize[idz])).transpose()); else: #intensity of cells cintensity = findIntensity(img, centers, verbose = verbose, out = out, **parameter); #intensity of cells in background image cintensity2 = findIntensity(img2, centers, verbose = verbose, out = out, **parameter); #intensity of cells in dog filtered image if dogSize is None: cintensity3 = cintensity2; else: cintensity3 = findIntensity(img3, centers, verbose = verbose, out = out, **parameter); if verbose: out.write(timer.elapsedTime(head = 'Spot Detection') + '\n'); return ( centers, numpy.vstack((cintensity, cintensity3, cintensity2)).transpose());
[docs]def test(): """Test Spot Detection Module""" import os import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.SpotDetection as self reload(self) import ClearMap.IO as io import ClearMap.Settings as settings basedir = settings.ClearMapPath; #fn = '/home/ckirst/Science/Projects/BrainActivityMap/Data/iDISCO_2015_06/Adult cfos C row 20HF 150524.ims'; fn = os.path.join(basedir, 'Test/Data/Synthetic/label_iDISCO_\d{3}.tif'); fn = os.path.join(basedir, 'Test/Data/OME/16-17-27_0_8X-s3-20HF_UltraII_C00_xyz-Table Z\d{4}.ome.tif'); #fn = '/run/media/ckirst/ChristophsBackuk4TB/iDISCO_2015_06/Adult cfos C row 20HF 150524.ims'; #fn = '/home/nicolas/Windows/Nico/cfosRegistrations/Adult cfos C row 20HF 150524 - Copy.ims'; #fn = '/home/ckirst/Science/Projects/BrainActivityMap/iDISCO_2015_04/test for spots added spot.ims' img = io.readData(fn); #img = dataset[0:500,0:500,1000:1008]; #img = dataset[600:1000,1600:1800,800:830]; #img = dataset[500:1500,500:1500,800:809]; img = img.astype('int16'); #m = sys.modules['iDISCO.ImageProcessing.SpotDetection'] #c = self.detectCells(img); c = self.detectCells(img, dogSize = None, cellShapeThreshold = 1, cellShapeFile = '/home/ckirst/Science/Projects/BrainActivityMap/Analysis/iDISCO/Test/Data/CellShape/cellshape_\d{3}.tif'); print 'done, found %d cells !' % c[0].shape[0] #test intensities: import numpy; x = numpy.random.rand(30,30,10); centers = numpy.array([[0,0,0], [29,29,9]]); i = self.findIntensity(x, centers, boxSize = (1,1,1)); print i
if __name__ == '__main__': test();