Source code for ClearMap.Visualization.Qt.Plot3d


Plotting routines based on qt.

This module is based on the pyqtgraph package.
__author__    = 'Christoph Kirst <>'
__license__   = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Pulic License v3 (see LICENSE)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2020 by Christoph Kirst'
__webpage__   = ''
__download__  = ''

import pyqtgraph as pg
import functools as ft

import ClearMap.Visualization.Qt.DataViewer as dv
import ClearMap.Visualization.Qt.Utils as qtu

###  Plotting

#TODO: figure / windows handler to update data in existing windows

[docs]def plot(source, axis = None, scale = None, title = None, invert_y = True, min_max = None, screen = None): """Plot a source as 2d slices. Arguments --------- source : list of sources The source to plot. If a list is given several synchronized windows are generated. If an element in the list is a list of sources those are overlayed in different colors in that window. axis : int or None The axis along which to slice the data. scale : tuple of float A spatial scale for each axis used for the spatial cursor position. title : str or None The title of the window. invert_y : bool If True invert the y axis (as typically done for images). min_max : tuple or None The minal and maximal values for each source. If None, determine them from the source. screen : int or None Specifiy on which screen to open the window. Returns ------- plot : DataViewer A data viewer class. """ if not isinstance(source, (list, tuple)): source = [source]; return multi_plot(source, axis=axis, scale=scale, title=title, invert_y=invert_y, min_max=min_max, screen=screen);
[docs]def multi_plot(sources, axis = None, scale = None, title = None, invert_y = True, min_max = None, arange = True, screen = None): """Plot a source as 2d slices. Arguments --------- sources : list of sources The sources to plot.If an element in the list is a list of sources those are overlayed in different colors in that window. axis : int or None The axis along which to slice the data. scale : tuple of float A spatial scale for each axis used for the spatial cursor position. title : str or None The title of the window. invert_y : bool If True invert the y axis (as typically done for images). min_max : tuple or None The minal and maximal values for each source. If None, determine them from the source. screen : int or None Specifiy on which screen to open the window. Returns ------- plots : list of DataViewers A list of viewer classes. """ if not isinstance(title, (tuple, list)): title = [title] * len(sources); dvs = [dv.DataViewer(source=s, axis=axis, scale=scale, title=t, invertY=invert_y, minMax=min_max) for s,t in zip(sources, title)]; if arange: try: geo = qtu.tiled_layout(len(dvs), percent=80, screen=screen); for d,g in zip(dvs, geo): #d.setFixedSize(int(0.95 * g[2]), int(0.9 * g[3])); d.setGeometry(pg.QtCore.QRect(*g)); except: pass for d1,d2 in zip(dvs[:-1], dvs[1:]): synchronize(d1, d2); return dvs;
[docs]def synchronize(viewer1, viewer2): """Synchronize scrolling between two data viewers""" # sync dv1 -> dv2 def sV(): viewer2.sliceLine.setValue(viewer1.sliceLine.value()); viewer1.sliceLine.sigPositionChanged.connect(sV); for d,button in enumerate(viewer1.axis_buttons): button.clicked.connect(ft.partial(viewer2.setSliceAxis, d)); # sync dv2 -> dv1 def sV(): viewer1.sliceLine.setValue(viewer2.sliceLine.value()); viewer2.sliceLine.sigPositionChanged.connect(sV); for d,button in enumerate(viewer2.axis_buttons): button.clicked.connect(ft.partial(viewer1.setSliceAxis, d)); viewer1.view.setXLink(viewer2.view); viewer1.view.setYLink(viewer2.view);
[docs]def set_source(viewer, source): """Set the source data in a viewer. Arguments --------- viewer : DataViewer The viewer to set a new source for. source : Source The source to use in the viewer. Returns ------- viewer : DataViewer The viewer. """ viewer.setSource(source); return viewer;
############################################################################################################ ### Tests ############################################################################################################ def _test(): import numpy as np import ClearMap.Visualization.Qt.Plot3d as p3d img1 = np.random.rand(*(100,80,30)); img2 = np.random.rand(*(100,80,30)) > 0.5; p = p3d.plot([img1,img2]) #analysis:ignore