Source code for ClearMap.Visualization.Qt.DataViewer


Data viewer showing 3d data as 2d slices.


.. image:: ../Static/DataViewer.jpg

This viewer is based on the pyqtgraph package.
__author__    = 'Christoph Kirst <>'
__license__   = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Pulic License v3 (see LICENSE)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2020 by Christoph Kirst'
__webpage__   = ''
__download__  = ''

import numpy as np
import functools as ft

#from PyQt5 import QtCore
#from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *

import pyqtgraph as pg
pg.CONFIG_OPTIONS['useOpenGL'] = False  # set to False if trouble seeing data.

if not pg.QAPP: 

import ClearMap.IO.IO as io

###  Lookup tables

[docs]class LUTItem(pg.HistogramLUTItem): """Lookup table item for the DataViewer""" def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): pg.HistogramLUTItem.__init__(self, *args, **kargs); self.vb.setMaximumWidth(15) self.vb.setMinimumWidth(10)
[docs] def imageChanged(self, autoLevel=False, autoRange=False): #mn,mx = self.quickMinMax(targetSize = 500); #self.plot.setData([mn, mx], [1,1]); if autoLevel: mn,mx = self.quickMinMax(targetSize = 500); self.region.setRegion([mn, mx])
[docs] def quickMinMax(self, targetSize=1e3): """ Estimate the min/max values of the image data by subsampling. """ data = self.imageItem().image while data.size > targetSize: ax = np.argmax(data.shape) sl = [slice(None)] * data.ndim sl[ax] = slice(None, None, 2) data = data[tuple(sl)] return np.nanmin(data), np.nanmax(data)
[docs]class LUTWidget(pg.GraphicsView): """Lookup table widget for the DataViewer""" def __init__(self, parent = None, *args, **kargs): background = kargs.get('background', 'default') pg.GraphicsView.__init__(self, parent=parent, useOpenGL=True, background=background) self.item = LUTItem(*args, **kargs) self.setCentralItem(self.item) #self.setSizePolicy(pg.QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum, pg.QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.setSizePolicy(pg.QtGui.QSizePolicy.Preferred, pg.QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.setMinimumWidth(120)
[docs] def sizeHint(self): return pg.QtCore.QSize(120, 200)
def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self.item, attr)
[docs]class LUT(pg.QtGui.QWidget): def __init__(self, image = None, color = 'red', percentiles = [[-100,0,50,75],[50,75,100,150]], parent = None, *args): pg.QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent, *args) self.layout = pg.QtGui.QGridLayout(self); self.layout.setSpacing(0); self.layout.setMargin(0); self.lut = LUTWidget(parent = parent, image = image); self.layout.addWidget(self.lut, 0, 0, 1, 1) ; self.range_layout = pg.QtGui.QGridLayout() self.range_buttons = []; pre = ['%d', '%d']; for r in range(2): range_buttons_m = []; for i,p in enumerate(percentiles[r]): button = pg.QtGui.QPushButton(pre[r] % (p)); button.setMaximumWidth(30); font = button.font(); font.setPointSize(6); button.setFont(font); self.range_layout.addWidget(button,r,i); range_buttons_m.append(button); self.range_buttons.append(range_buttons_m); self.layout.addLayout(self.range_layout,1,0,1,1); self.precentiles = percentiles; self.percentile_id = [2,2]; for m,ab in enumerate(self.range_buttons): for p, abm in enumerate(ab): abm.clicked.connect(ft.partial(self.updateRegionRange, m, p)); #default gradient if color in pg.graphicsItems.GradientEditorItem.Gradients.keys(): self.lut.gradient.loadPreset(color); else: self.lut.gradient.getTick(0).color = pg.QtGui.QColor(0,0,0,0); self.lut.gradient.getTick(1).color = pg.QtGui.QColor(color); self.lut.gradient.updateGradient();
[docs] def updateRegionRange(self, m,p): self.percentile_id[m] = p; pmin = self.precentiles[0][self.percentile_id[0]]; pmax = self.precentiles[1][self.percentile_id[1]]; self.updateRegionPercentile(pmin, pmax);
[docs] def updateRegionPercentile(self,pmin,pmax): iitem = self.lut.imageItem(); if iitem is not None: pmax1 = max(0,min(pmax, 100)) if pmin < 0: pmin1 = min(-pmin, 100); else: pmin1 = min(pmin, 100); if pmax1 == 0: pmax1 = 1; pmax = 1; if pmin1 == 0: pmin1 = 1; pmin = 1; r = [float(pmin)/pmin1, float(pmax)/pmax1] * self.quickPercentile(iitem.image, [pmin1, pmax1]) self.lut.region.setRegion(r);
[docs] def quickPercentile(self, data, percentiles, targetSize=1e3): while data.size > targetSize: ax = np.argmax(data.shape) sl = [slice(None)] * data.ndim sl[ax] = slice(None, None, 2); sl = tuple(sl); data = data[sl] return np.nanpercentile(data, percentiles);
############################################################################################################ ### DataViewer ############################################################################################################
[docs]class DataViewer(pg.QtGui.QWidget): def __init__(self, source, axis = None, scale = None, title = None, invertY = False, minMax = None, screen = None, parent = None, *args): ### Images soures self.initializeSources(source, axis = axis, scale = scale) #print('init') ### Gui Construction pg.QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent, *args); #print('gui') if title is None: if isinstance(source, str): title = source; elif isinstance(source, io.src.Source): title = source.location; if title is None: title = 'DataViewer'; self.setWindowTitle(title); self.resize(1600,1200) #print('title') self.layout = pg.QtGui.QGridLayout(self); self.layout.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) #print('layout') # image pane self.view = pg.ViewBox(); self.view.setAspectLocked(True); self.view.invertY(invertY) self.graphicsView = pg.GraphicsView() self.graphicsView.setObjectName("GraphicsView") self.graphicsView.setCentralItem(self.view) splitter = pg.QtGui.QSplitter(); splitter.setOrientation(pg.QtCore.Qt.Horizontal) splitter.setSizes([self.width() - 10, 10]); self.layout.addWidget(splitter); image_splitter = pg.QtGui.QSplitter(); image_splitter.setOrientation(pg.QtCore.Qt.Vertical) image_splitter.setSizePolicy(pg.QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, pg.QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding) splitter.addWidget(image_splitter); #print('image') # Image plots image_options = dict(clipToView = True, autoDownsample = True, autoLevels = False, useOpenGL = None); self.image_items = [pg.ImageItem(s[self.source_slice[:s.ndim]], **image_options) for s in self.sources]; for i in self.image_items: i.setRect(pg.QtCore.QRect(0, 0, self.source_range_x, self.source_range_y)) i.setCompositionMode(pg.QtGui.QPainter.CompositionMode_Plus); self.view.addItem(i); self.view.setXRange(0, self.source_range_x); self.view.setYRange(0, self.source_range_y); #print('plots') # Slice Selector self.slicePlot = pg.PlotWidget() sizePolicy = pg.QtGui.QSizePolicy(pg.QtGui.QSizePolicy.Preferred, pg.QtGui.QSizePolicy.Preferred) sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(self.slicePlot.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()) self.slicePlot.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) self.slicePlot.setMinimumSize(pg.QtCore.QSize(0, 40)) self.slicePlot.setObjectName("roiPlot"); #self.sliceCurve = self.slicePlot.plot() self.sliceLine = pg.InfiniteLine(0, movable=True) self.sliceLine.setPen((255, 255, 255, 200)) self.sliceLine.setZValue(1) self.slicePlot.addItem(self.sliceLine) self.slicePlot.hideAxis('left') self.updateSlicer(); self.sliceLine.sigPositionChanged.connect(self.updateSlice) #print('slice') # Axis Tools axis_tools_layout = pg.QtGui.QGridLayout() self.axis_buttons = []; axesnames = ['x', 'y', 'z']; for d in range(3): button = pg.QtGui.QRadioButton(axesnames[d]); button.setMaximumWidth(50); axis_tools_layout.addWidget(button,0,d); button.clicked.connect(ft.partial(self.setSliceAxis, d)); self.axis_buttons.append(button); self.axis_buttons[self.source_axis].setChecked(True); axis_tools_widget = pg.QtGui.QWidget(); axis_tools_widget.setLayout(axis_tools_layout); #print('axis') # coordinate label self.source_pointer = [0,0,0]; self.source_label = pg.QtGui.QLabel(""); axis_tools_layout.addWidget(self.source_label,0,3); self.graphicsView.scene().sigMouseMoved.connect(self.updateLabelFromMouseMove); #print('coords') #compose the image viewer image_splitter.addWidget(self.graphicsView); image_splitter.addWidget(self.slicePlot) image_splitter.addWidget(axis_tools_widget); image_splitter.setSizes([self.height()-35-20, 35, 20]) #print('viewer') # lut widgets if self.nsources == 1: cols = ['flame']; elif self.nsources == 2: cols = ['purple', 'green']; else: cols = np.array(['white', 'green','red', 'blue', 'purple'] * self.nsources)[:self.nsources]; self.luts = [LUT(image = i, color = c) for i,c in zip(self.image_items, cols)]; lut_layout = pg.QtGui.QGridLayout(); lut_layout.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0); for d,l in enumerate(self.luts): lut_layout.addWidget(l,0,d); lut_widget = pg.QtGui.QWidget(); lut_widget.setLayout(lut_layout); lut_widget.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0); #lut_widget.setSizePolicy(pg.QtGui.QSizePolicy.Maximum, pg.QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding) lut_widget.setSizePolicy(pg.QtGui.QSizePolicy.Preferred, pg.QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding) splitter.addWidget(lut_widget); splitter.setStretchFactor(0, 1); splitter.setStretchFactor(1, 0); #self.source_levelMin = []; #self.source_levelMax = []; #for i,s in enumerate(self.sources): # lmin, lmax = list(map(float, self.quickMinMax(s[self.source_slice]))); # self.levelMin.append(lmin); # self.levelMax.append(lmax); #print('lut') # update scale for l in self.luts: l.range_buttons[1][2].click(); if minMax is not None: self.setMinMax(minMax);;
[docs] def initializeSources(self, source, scale = None, axis = None, update = True): #initialize sources and axis settings if isinstance(source, tuple): source = list(source); if not isinstance(source, list): source = [source]; self.nsources = len(source); self.sources = [io.as_source(s) for s in source]; # avoid bools #for i,s in enumerate(self.sources): # if s.dtype == bool: # self.sources[i] = s.view('uint8'); # # ensure 3d images # for i,s in enumerate(self.sources): # if s.ndim == 2: # s = s.view(); # s.shape = s.shape + (1,); # self.sources[i] = s; # if s.ndim != 3: # raise RuntimeError('Sources dont have dimensions 2 or 3 but %d in source %d!' % (s.ndim, i)); # source shapes self.source_shape = self.shape3d(self.sources[0].shape); for s in self.sources: if s.ndim > 3: raise RuntimeError('Source has %d > 3 dimensions: %r!' % (s.ndim, s)); if self.shape3d(s.shape) != self.source_shape: raise RuntimeError('Sources shape %r vs %r in source %r!' % (self.source_shape, s.shape, s)); self.source_shape2 = np.array(np.array(self.source_shape, dtype=float)/2, dtype=int); # for i,s in enumerate(self.sources): # # slicing if axis is None: axis = 2; self.source_axis = axis; self.source_index = self.source_shape2; # scaling if scale is None: scale = np.ones(3); else: scale = np.array(scale); scale = np.hstack([scale, [1]*3])[:3]; self.source_scale = scale; #print(self.source_shape, self.source_scale) self.updateSourceRange(); self.updateSourceSlice();
[docs] def setSource(self, source, index = all): #initialize sources and axis settings if index is all: if isinstance(source, tuple): source = list(source); if not isinstance(source, list): source = [source]; if self.nsources != len(source): raise RuntimeError('Number of sources does not match!'); source = [io.as_source(s) for s in source]; index = range(self.nsources); else: s = self.sources; s[index] = io.as_source(source); source = s; index = [index]; for i in index: s = source[i]; if s.shape != self.source_shape: raise RuntimeError('Shape of sources does not match!'); if s.dtype == bool: self.sources[i] = s.view('uint8'); if s.ndim == 2: s.shape = s.shape + (1,); if s.ndim != 3: raise RuntimeError('Sources dont have dimensions 2 or 3 but %d in source %d!' % (s.ndim, i)); self.image_items[i].updateImage(s[self.source_slice[:s.ndims]]); self.sources = source;
[docs] def getXYAxes(self): return [a for a in [0,1,2] if a != self.source_axis];
[docs] def updateSourceRange(self): x,y = self.getXYAxes(); self.source_range_x = self.source_scale[x] * self.source_shape[x]; self.source_range_y = self.source_scale[y] * self.source_shape[y];
[docs] def updateSourceSlice(self): # current slice of the source self.source_slice = [slice(None)] * 3; self.source_slice[self.source_axis] = self.source_index[self.source_axis]; self.source_slice = tuple(self.source_slice);
[docs] def updateSlicer(self): ax = self.source_axis; self.slicePlot.setXRange(0, self.source_shape[ax]); self.sliceLine.setValue(self.source_index[ax]); stop = self.source_shape[ax] + 0.5; self.sliceLine.setBounds([0, stop])
[docs] def updateLabelFromMouseMove(self, event): mousePoint = self.view.mapSceneToView(event) x, y = mousePoint.x(), mousePoint.y(); x = min(max(0, x), self.source_range_x); y = min(max(0, y), self.source_range_y); #print(x,y); ax,ay = self.getXYAxes(); x = min(int(x/self.source_scale[ax]), self.source_shape[ax]-1); y = min(int(y/self.source_scale[ay]), self.source_shape[ay]-1); z = self.source_index[self.source_axis]; pos = [z] * 3; pos[ax] = x; pos[ay] = y; self.source_pointer = pos; self.updateLabel();
[docs] def updateLabel(self): x,y,z = self.source_pointer; xs,ys,zs = self.source_scale; vals = ", ".join([str(s[x,y,z]) for s in self.sources]); self.source_label.setText("<span style='font-size: 12pt; color: black'>(%d, %d, %d) {%.2f, %.2f, %.2f} [%s]</span>" % (x,y,z,x*xs,y*ys,z*zs,vals))
[docs] def updateSlice(self): ax = self.source_axis; index = min(max(0, int(self.sliceLine.value())), self.source_shape[ax]-1); if index != self.source_index[ax]: self.source_index[ax] = index; self.source_slice = self.source_slice[:ax] + (index,) + self.source_slice[ax+1:]; self.source_pointer[ax] = index; self.updateLabel(); self.updateImage()
[docs] def setSliceAxis(self, axis): self.source_axis = axis; self.updateSourceRange(); self.updateSourceSlice(); for i, s in zip(self.image_items, self.sources): i.updateImage(s[self.source_slice]); i.setRect(pg.QtCore.QRect(0, 0, self.source_range_x, self.source_range_y)) self.view.setXRange(0, self.source_range_x); self.view.setYRange(0, self.source_range_y); self.updateSlicer();
[docs] def updateImage(self): for i, s in zip(self.image_items, self.sources): #print(self.getXYAxes()); #print(self.source_slice) #print(self.source_shape); #print(self.source_scale) image = s[self.source_slice[:s.ndim]]; if image.dtype == bool: image = s.view('uint8'); #print(image.shape); i.updateImage(image);
[docs] def setMinMax(self, minMax, source = 0): self.luts[source].lut.region.setRegion(minMax);
[docs] def shape3d(self, shape): return (shape + (1,) * 3)[:3];
############################################################################################################ ### Tests ############################################################################################################ def _test(): import numpy as np import ClearMap.Visualization.Qt.DataViewer as dv img1 = np.random.rand(*(100,80,30)); dv.DataViewer(img1)